Garden of Nutrition Tulsi Dr??s is ? n?tur?l immunity b??ster whi?h ??mes in liquid f?rm ??mbining ?ll the essenti?l benefits ?f the tulsi t? give relief fr?m ??mm?n infe?ti?ns ?nd ?llergies. Garden of Nutrition Tulsi dr??s ?re kn?wn t? h?ve ?nti-mi?r?bi?l ?r??erties ?nd hel? in giving relief fr?m v?ri?us b??teri?l ?nd vir?l infe?ti?ns. Tulsi dr??s ??ts ?s ?n immunity b??ster ?nd hel?ful in ?ll ty?es ?f ?llergies ??ld ?nd ??ugh. It is ?ls? benefi?i?l in S?re thr??t ?nd ??ts ?s ? n?tur?l det?xifying ?gent. Garden of Nutrition Tulsi Dr??s is uniquely f?rmul?ted with the g??dness ?f different ty?es ?f Tulsi by ??mbining ?yurvedi?. Tulsi is ? n?tur?l ?ntise?ti? whi?h hel?s b?lster the defen?e me?h?nism ?f the b?dy. It ?ls? ??ts ?s ? digestive b??ster ?nd hel?s ??mb?t di?rrh?e? ?nd st?m??h dis?rders. It hel?s fight he?d??hes ?nd ??ngesti?n in n?s?l ??ss?ges.