General Body Nutritive Supplement Galactogenic Tonic Promotes Growth.If you are looking to balance your hormones try Navjeewan Shatavari Churna.Your Body will instantly agree that Navjeewan Shatavari Churna was something that it was actually missing so far. Post Pregnancy when female hormones undergo through some crazy cycles & when finally hit a wall; when that frustrating hair fall state takes your life out and then developed hormonal acne all over the neck & lower face area makes your social life suck you may certainly look forward to this Ayurvedic herb with confidence on our recommendation and believe us it will be a life changer for you ladies (Men don't be can take it too*) - If both of you Ladies & Gentlemenyou are healthy but regularly feel worned out from life or are experiencing hormone irregularity or issues such as hormonal acne night sweats PMSmood swings or crazy weeping sessions -then try this herbal formula. You will know why its so well praised in Ancient Ayurveda Texts.